Hello all on this beautiful September day. Hopefully the 100 degree days are gone for this year. We are ready to ride in cooler temperatures and soon the fall colors will be out. Attached is our Chapter C September newsletter. Included is flyer for: 1. Sept 30th Chapter A ride and Cornhole tournament 2. Nov…
Hello all from a chilly day here in Lincoln. How are you doing on your Christmas gift shopping? I did not go out for the Black Friday shopping – No way !! ha ha Attached find our December Chapter C newsletter. Please mark your calendars for our GWTA 2023 events on last page. Eldon & I…
Hello to all on this beautiful Fall day. Attached is our November newsletter from Chapter C… Oh my goodness November issue already. Hope to see many of you at Fall Follies in Columbus this weekend. “C” you soon and stay safe, Carol Ogorzolka, Husker Wings -Lincoln, Nebr.
Good Morning — I cannot believe it is first week of September already. Our Chapter C Husker Wings newsletter for September is attached. Note: the new Gold Rush 2023 flyer is available on the website and also in this newsletter. On the GWTA website, click on the Gold Rush registration form, scroll down to page…
Hello All — attached is our new April newsletter from Chapter C – Lincoln. Wow did the month of April go quick. Weather warms up for a couple days — we actually did a nice ride on a Sunday with 75 degrees — next day was 40… Ride when you can and be safe Take…
Hello and Happy New Year to All. Hope you all had a fun family Christmas together. Wow did the winter weather roll in this weekend. Attached is our Chapter C newsletter for January. Flyers for Region C included so you can get registered early. Stay safe and hope to “C” you soon, Carol Ogorzolka /…